Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Ok, you dont know me. I DONT CARE. I was not attempting to pass that off as my own work, if i was i would have been a bit more obvious, but please do release the original author and lets watch with great anticipation of what the out come will be. Will i be forever labeled as a plagiarist, i dont think so, because you see, this is not an academic institution, I would have to have far better grammar skills than what i currently do for this to be so. Despite this, what i write on my blog is for me to decide, what i recycle from other blogspot users is also my decision. If you want to have your say create a blog of your own free from plagiarism. As for the note about my sarcasm here is a note about sarcasm, referenced too!

"Irony/sarcasm - The cornerstones of British humour." - Dr. Effingpot


But maybe i just dont get it, maybe its because i am British.

The Metro One

Young drivers feedback

Please comment, go and fill out this survey its our driving rights at stake. For God Sake Man.

The Metro One

Read more at www.transport.qld.gov.a...

Saturday, February 18, 2006


Why Bother

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Apart from the initial insult i was moderately impressed with this apart from the fact that i recycled this from a past post into my MSN screen name i haven’t seen this since JULY last year.

To explain my rant i came on with the most exciting intentions, to share with those who read this blog (I am aware that they are few and far between) a movie in which i recently watched called kinky boots. Now I am faced in my inbox with an insult and an accusation of plagiarism.

Here is a copy:

Chalks, where did you steal that from? I know you and you don't have an original or inspirational bone in your entire body so if you do not give credit to whomever wrote this there will be a serious case for plagiarism.

I'll give you 48 hours to publish the real artist and location of this quote otherwise I will.

Firstly to the gutless wonder, who posted this comment. Don’t call me "Chalks", only my friends call me that, and where do you get off. Grow up, if i don’t reference the quote what the fuck are you going to do.

"Ooooo. Did you hear that everybody i have 48 hours to tell you who the original artist was or that’s right, they will tell you? OHHH THE HUMANITY. PLEASE DONT I BEG YOU. If you do everyone will know that I copied it from someone."

Wake up to yourself looser. Do you honestly believe that every screen name or blog is totally free of plagiarism.

Note to the world: that quote is not my creation, nor did i intentionally pass that off as my own.

For this reason a new Disclaimer will be posted.

The Metro One

Sunday, February 12, 2006

The Dawn Of A New Blogging Partnership

Life is full of partnerships and this blog has gone far to long with out one. I have decided to aquire a blogging partner, Introducing Emma, my best friend for many years now and the actual length of our friendship aludes us as we cant decide on a year we when we were actually friends. Despite this she is an ex-Grammarian and now hails at the University of Sydney studying an advanced bachelor of arts. I'll let her explain. I have no doubt that her contributions will bring new standards of blogging but i will let you decide that.

Well thats it from me, yep i think so, introduction, history, Yep thats it.

The Metro One

Welcome to Rude Airlines !

I was watching a program on the lifestyle channel today and the reknown thespian Stephen Fry commented on the serious genericness of Airlines. He said wouldnt it be interesting to get on a flight and be told in a stern voice "put your bloody tray up and and get your seat all the way up for goodness sake." After recently returning from an international holiday i also agree with Fry. I was so sick of being smiled at after the 12hr journey that the last thing i wanted to do at the other end was have some lady look at you and smile and say thanks for choosing Royal Brunei Airways, now im not complaining in that sense because i think it would be appauling if i was not treated with the utmost respect by an airline. But wouldnt it be interesting if you were not greated by some lovely, pleasant airhost/ess but rather a disgruntalted employee who has just done 12 round trip flights with no brakes from Heathrow to Kingsford Smith. The scenario would go something like this i imagine:

"Hurry Up, this plane is already 20mins delayed because of the incompentant ground staff"

"Oi, you lot, listen up, im not standing out here doing these redikulus actions for my own good, its not like i care if you know the saftey features of the plane, I've done this a thousand times already!"

"The captain was going to have a word but he is asleep as this is his 10th flight straight for the week and autopilot is doing its job."

"Were here, dont expect a hand getting your stuff of and pick up your bloody mess were not cleaning up after you as well after 23hrs of waiting on your every desire."

And thats the kind of novelty i would enjoy for about 5 mins, then i would want to kill someone, good for a short period, not for a long haul.

The Metro One

Friday, February 03, 2006

JCU - Information for Current Students

Why wont JCU Students Online work, i need my boolist. Goddamnit>.

The Metro One

Read more at www.jcu.edu.au/currstud...

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Automotive Gallery : Specialized Alloy Wheels, Australia [ www.amgaustralia.com]

These wheels rock

Read more at www.amgaustralia.com/#