Friday, January 12, 2007

Townsville Choral Society Presents...

Come and see the Townsville Choral Society's production of Grease.

Tickets are already flying out the door so run to the theatre and book your very own - quick sticks. It stars Adam Mullamphy (Rent) as Danny & Cara Doolan (Jekyll & Hyde) as Sandy. It also stars Peter Jepson (Rent, Jekyll & Hyde), Elyssa Jenkins (Footloose & Rent), Simon Priest, Michelle Higgins(Rent, Cats), Zac Chalkley (Cats), Sonia Warrell(Jekyll & Hyde), Damian Johns(Rent), Sandy Neal (NIDA Graduate, Rent, Jekyll & Hyde), Candice Nugent (Beauty & The Beast, Rent, Jekyll & Hyde) & Chris Ostrenski (Cats). It is a fun show and we are all having a ball so come and party with us at the theatre!

31st of January to the 4th of February.

Possible extended season.


The Metro One


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