Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Here We Go Again

Last night i auditioned for Grease, i got a phone call while i was at the Cbar today to inform me that i was successfully for the role of DOODY. At this stage im not sure if i am going to being singing "Those Magic Changes" but according to the movie and the musical i do.

Grease is still the Word.


The Metro One


Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg... like 10 guys auditioned... don't think you're good...

10:51 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was 15 actually, im proud of myself for getting in, the song that i auditioned with was quite challenging.

lalala, "look at me, im Zacy C"


7:49 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why the are there so many haters that read this blog, do u actually think that your small minded opinion is going to affect the author of this blog, stop filling urself with self importance by thinking ur making a difference or even a contribution to this blog

2:45 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how many times do u want to say blog?

3:21 pm  
Blogger Anner said...

Ah people fight fight figh all the time... sigh it's so tiering

8:08 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

quiet, tramp. people wouldnt fight as much if it werent for people like you who mess up lives with lies and promiscuity.

2:13 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha ha, this is gettin funnier by the comment, hmm, messing up lives with lies and promiscuity. oh dear, didnt the great bearded one say some shit about, let he who has not sinned cast the first stone, i highly doubt that whoever u are, u r without sin. i disagree with ur people fighting comment, did u eva stop and think that fighting is just plain fun, sure its not nice, but it is very fun. very very fun, and that is why people will find any catalyst to use for a confrontation, do not let ur emotions betray u, for they are ur weakness, FEAR LEADS TO ANGER, ANGER LEADS TO HATE, AND HATE LEADS TO SUFFERING. long live the great green one, so anna will u kiss me yet, lol jks

10:03 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, I should check this blog more often, the comments are hilarious.

Anonymous1, It might have been a poor turnout, but are you a lead? The competition in Townsville isn't that bad, you've got to assume that Zac has earned this.

Jerome, you should know by now that the reason people bag out "the author" (he has a name you know, saying "the author" like you did in your high school english assignments won't make you sound smarter) is because it's fun. If he changed it'd become boring.

Anyonymous2, you're so right.

Anna. Wow. You really are a manipulative whore aren't you. First you cheat on one boyfriend, then you cheat on another, each time lying through your teeth about what happened. You do have a conscience don't you? I'm just checking you're not some sex robot, that's all.

Anonymous3, are you also anonymous2?

Anonymous 4. While we're on the topic of Jesus, I'm fairly sure infidelity and lying were up there on the 10 commandments (those things god really doesn't want you to break.

P.S. The great green one? WTF is with that?

11:59 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hysterical, love it.

This is fun, i really look forward to hearing the comments that some people come out. Rage/anger/hate is such a funny thing it really makes people say the darnedest things.

Meh, deserved it or didnt, i still got the part so there. I must say tramp is such an interesting word to use, not one of personal choice but still, slapper/goping twat/or slag, its all the same.

What fun! Lets see what happens next.


4:25 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey ben, hmm, how bout forgiveness, "how many times should i forgive, 4 times, 40 times, 400 times? no jesus replied 400 X 400 times. If u r gonna talk about the bible like u agree with the morals it delivers, dont forget forgiveness, its the most powerful act . how can u be so judgemental on a person that u know so superficially?

4:56 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

some people are real bitches. i didnt even know there was such a rift in the clan, well there you go... bahahaha... but she is ben... what a whore...

5:39 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous figured me out. I'm not a perfect Christian. Oh well. I'd rather have an opinion than mince around saying "Well, she's cheated on yet another boyfriend, and she's lied about it again, and even though she's dragging my friend's name through the mud in a bid to save what's left of her reputation I guess I should let it slide, because thats the Christian thing to do."

As for how well I know Anna, I've known her for over a year now (I'm guessing thats longer than you if you're one of her college friends) and I thought I knew her pretty well. She seemed to be a caring person who wanted to help others. I was genuinely sad for her when she didn't get into med school and thought she'd make a great doctor. Now that I know she cheats and lies with no regard for who it hurts as long as her reputation remains intact I can safely say I'm glad she's only doing OT. If she was a doctor she'd steal your kidneys and sell them on the black market.

6:10 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To shame all you unforgivers. To shame. Don't you know that everytime a habitual cheater cheats, you must forgive them right away? Otherwise, you with all your so called "judgement in friends so that you don't hang around with the slappers" will most definately be a worse person than they are. Duh!

P.S. I have never cheated on anyone, so this is me casting my stone without remorse.

6:31 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People wouldn't have to forgive as much if it werent for tramps like you who betray others with lies and promiscuity.

6:40 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wouldnt have to forgive eh, i hope thats exactly what god is asking himself, well gee, i wish that person wouldnt lie as much on earth, i wouldnt have to forgive him as much,foregiveness is one of the greatest powers that we possess but in this day and age it is rarely exhibited. now im not telling u all to go out and forgive everyone that has wronged u. but there is a big difference between not forgiving someone, and "dragging their name through the mud" excuse the plagiarism. it just seemed such and appropriate term for what u are doin to this girl. I can understand that people have been hurt by the actions of all parties, but why not just forget the entire issue, and move on. Nothing can be gained by carrying so much bitterness and resent around in your heart.

7:58 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't telling me to forgive her, going on about how theres so little forgiveness in the world, ect ect a judgment in itself? You're recognising that I've done something "wrong", and you're making a judgment on what I should be doing.

As for your spiel about what god would say to this whole thing, unless you're a prophet (and with your profound knowledge of Christianity, that may be the case, almighty anonymous) you're not in any position to quote "the great bearded one".

While I might be dragging Anna's name through the mud, I believe (along with everyone else here it seems) that she thoroughly deserves it. After all, the last time this happened I refused to believe she cheated (effectively the same as forgiving her) and she did it again.

If you want to live in a happy, non judgmental, forgiving society, I suggest you leave the country. A substantial part of our legal system is assessing what people have done wrong and then handing out a punishment. Face the facts anonymous, your utopian world of unconditional forgiveness can't exist - there's no disincentive to do wrong other than your own conscience.

But my argument isn't with your ideals or morals, it's with Anna, who I'm sure directed you here. Maybe you should say something Anna. Set the record straight. Tell your side of the story. If it's the same as the truth, then I guess I forgive you.

3:49 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow this is great, I havent seen so much heat on this blog since me and ben were fighting. Those were the days. How did we get so far of topic... anyway continue...

5:06 pm  
Blogger Damian said...

Maybe this blog should be renamed: The Platform for Arguments. At the same time, arguing is a form of procrastinating.

The "everyone loves everyone" rule on DT's blog has obviously gotten everyone riled up with all their anger and now they've all exploded in a great big puff of all guns firing. At least there aren't any secrets anymore between people. It's like it's a small scale judgement day on this blog at the moment.

10:31 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

please FORGIVE me for being incredibly naive, but i always thought that the incentive to not do wrong comes from experiencing that horrible emotion called guilt, the one that never goes away and is always hanging about. not the punishments that go along with the said wrong. I always thought that was the motivation for sticking to the straight and narrow, true there are those without concience, who are an exception to the rule, such as yourself who feel no guilt in crucifying a girl,and what for? for making a choice, a choice between staying with someone who i imagine made her feel like their relationship was something of a dictatorship,("do this anner","dont hang around these people anner!"," where were u today anner?",)and cutting her losses and breathing again . Its called space. some poeple need it more than others, and i guess this said victim, AKA the distraught exboyfriend. Just couldnt give her the amount of oxygen she needed. What do u do when u feel like u cant breathe, u step outsisde, which is exactly what anner did. Now u blame someone for ending a failing relationship, or u stone them for leading someone on, either way u always had ur ammunition, u where just waiting for the right time to unleash it...........
i hope ur deserving of what comes around to u.


11:03 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like the bf at the time didn't want anna acting like like a slag she is. Just because this guy obviously had to voice what you would normally just expect of someone in a relationship to do (not cheat) it doesn't mean he's a dictator. There's a difference between trying to keep your gf faithful and slaying hundreds of jews donchaknow.

From what I saw (as opposed to what you imagined, Xavier), Anna had plenty of space in a very relaxed relationship setting and has created the "distraught exboyfriend who was strangling her" picture to make it look like it wasn't her fault. Every person who wants to break up with someone does the 'blow something the other person did out of proportion' thing when they are the one in the wrong. This is exactly what's happened here. Even if she did need space, she should have done the honourable thing and broken up with him before using the term "boyfriend" as a plural.

There's no excuse for cheating.

12:06 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Xavier (How do you pronounce that? Travis? Shonae? Anna? What an unusual spelling). I can see I'm going to have to break out the old "this is what you said, this is why you're full of shit" format.

please FORGIVE me for being incredibly naive, but i always thought that the incentive to not do wrong comes from experiencing that horrible emotion called guilt, the one that never goes away and is always hanging about. not the punishments that go along with the said wrong. I always thought that was the motivation for sticking to the straight and narrow,

Just because I said the conscience (you argue guilt is the deterrent but they're essentially the same thing as guilt is created by the conscience) is the only deterrent in your ideal world, it doesn't mean I think punishment is the only deterrent in the real world. Rather, they both contribute. You can't deny if there was no punishment the crime rate would skyrocket, and the conscience is what stops the rest of us from doing wrong. In future, try reading what I write. Don't add little assumptions and then get cranky.

true there are those without concience, who are an exception to the rule, such as yourself who feel no guilt in crucifying a girl

Who says I don't feel guilt? I feel guilt for what I'm saying, but there's not much of it and it's overpowered by my disgust for Anna.

and what for? for making a choice, a choice between staying with someone who i imagine made her feel like their relationship was something of a dictatorship,("do this anner","dont hang around these people anner!"," where were u today anner?",)and cutting her losses and breathing again . Its called space. some poeple need it more than others, and i guess this said victim, AKA the distraught exboyfriend. Just couldnt give her the amount of oxygen she needed. What do u do when u feel like u cant breathe, u step outsisde, which is exactly what anner did. Now u blame someone for ending a failing relationship, or u stone them for leading someone on, either way u always had ur ammunition, u where just waiting for the right time to unleash it...........

Where did I say Anna should have never broken up with Joel? My problem with Anna is that she's a habitual cheater and liar. Whether or not she was unhappy has nothing to do with it. It's not an excuse for cheating - she could have broken up with her boyfriend and then done whatever she wanted.

i hope ur deserving of what comes around to u.

Ooooooooh, Xavier is trying to intimidate me. Threats make such good arguments - they really make you look like the bigger person.

12:55 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You signed off with X? What is this? V for Vendetta? Go home "x".

1:14 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont know what you have been told xavier but this isnt the first time this kind of thing has happened. far from it indeed. people are not just pulling these things out of their asses. the last time this thing happened everyone was quick enough to forgive, once it happens for a second or third time it makes the matter slightly different. i would like to see you be happy and forgive a girl who fucked areound numerous numbers of your friends.

3:57 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That last sentence can be interpretted two ways - both of them correct.

3:35 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha to everyone.... anna and olivia and stephanie and eve and zac and jackson and everyone else RULE but BEN! haha and dont bother writing back ben coz i am not gunna read it but i know u dont have a life so u will definatly be reading THIS!!!! oh and liv has boobies

5:02 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is pronounced Zavier, kinda like its spelt, I am friends with Travis and Shonae and Anna, but I am not any one of them and I am also not from GR.

Just because this guy obviously had to voice what you would normally just expect of someone in a relationship to do (not cheat) it does not mean he is a dictator

Pardon me if I am incorrect but a dictator is a person of authority who subdues others to undue pressure. I knew Anna whilst she was going out with the ex-boyfriend and he was definitely putting undue pressure on her. Not pressure not to cheat or do anything that is considered wrong, but pressure to constantly know where she was, who she was with, what she was doing, this wasn't a relationship because there was no trust on behalf of the ex boyfriend, he was emotionally insecure and this showed through every action he took and his constant questioning of her about stupid rumours. I really cannot see why everyone is so surprised to see this relationship meltdown, I know Anner’s side of the story and it is far from what everyone has heard from the angry ex, this guy is so hell bent on destroying her that he went on to her private computer under false pretences and stole, yes stole a msn conversation that he had no right to lay his beady little eyes on since he was not part of this conversation, he then continued to distribute it around like it was the latest copy of times magazine. This act is illegal as much as it is disgusting. This guy is no victim; he is a wolf in sheep's clothing. No one ever stopped and asked Anner her side of the events that took place, but then again, with the useless worker drones that this guy has for buddies it isn't surprising.

From what I saw (as opposed to what you imagined, Xavier), Anna had plenty of space in a very relaxed relationship setting and has created the "distraught ex-boyfriend who was strangling her" picture to make it look like it wasn't her fault.

I am not imagining anything Bruce, I have known Anner for long before the relationship disintegrated, and it was my observations along with a few other events, that lead me to the conclusion that her boyfriend was a dictator; this was long before the shit hit the fan. The ex boyfriend is an insecure hypocrite, he condemns cheating in relationships yet I know for a fact that he was partly responsible for Anner’s previous relationship collapsing (which happened to be with one of the distraught ex boyfriends mates). Hold on to your girls tight, this guy is on the prowl, and since he is the ring leader of this little bitch fest I find it highly entertaining that he is putting himself on a pedestal as mister morals.

There's a difference between trying to keep your gf faithful and slaying hundreds of jews donchaknow.

In which sentence did I liken this guy to Hitler, u can look but u will not find it, I called him a dictator, not a mass murdering racist. This guy made Anner feel oppressed and not because she couldn't fuck whoever she wanted to, because he didn't trust her as far as he could throw her, their relationship was a fraudulent attempt at what some people would call a healthy relationship, If he didn't trust her then 1) what was he doing investing time in this girl and 2) why should he be the least bit surprised when the relationship broke down because of mistrust. The relationship was doomed from the start, don't attack my friend for waking up from a bad nightmare.!!

people are not just pulling these things out of their asses

Thankyou anonymous but u could be more incorrect, the exboyfriend actually did pull this thing out of his arse, that is why it stinks and smells. I am not talking about the past, but this time, Anner is innocent of the charges and until u sit down and listen to her side of this ordeal then u will continue to walk around with the wool pulled over your eyes.


P.S. hmm since this isn't V for vendetta I am pretty sure I am allowed to sign myself off any way I damn please, what are u gonna do? Cry some more? Make my day!!!

7:51 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, it's time to end this.

First of all I dont give a s**t what anyone has said in any of these comments. They have had zero effect on me. I just want to set a few things straight.
Thank you Jerome for for your comments (omg someone stuck up for the whore/slut/slag/bitch etc... you guys really need to get over yourselves and your crude and misdirected names), and I did let you post the last one (yes everyone I saw it before he posted it... bad anner). However, I just want to say that everything Jerome said about how I felt about the relationship was true... towards the end. Joel was a wonderful boyfriend, he really was for a lot of the relationship. Those were the feelings I had towards the end.
Also, Joel didn't distribute the conversation to just anyone. He only sent it to Mark and Elise (although that was wrong in the first place) and it was Elise who sent it to Ben who then sent it to John and god only knows who else.
I'm am refusing to comment further on Joel's and my relationship because it is between me and him only, which I do agree should have been kept between him and I and certainly not put on the internet.
If anyone has a problem with any of this they can either have the guts to come to me ro just shove it up thier arses cause I don't care at all.

9:07 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course xavier your absolutely right

Damn joel for being concerned about the whereabouts of his serial cheating gf damn him, who would do that?

9:20 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what the fuck is with your name? is it all the rage to change the spelling of your name? Anner????? WTF

2:31 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im not going to say any more, i have said more than enough, and probably offended more people than i intended. for this i apologise. i am not changing my stance on the issue but simply choosing not to contribute to this destructive converstion


10:06 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:02 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow that died a sudden death, lets all get fired up again. always good to laugh at anothers expense

12:59 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's ironic how the girl who has commitment problems always seems to be in a relationship.

1:12 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like to lick vagina. it tastes yummy

8:22 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kerani, post that again when you've licked a vagina other than your own.

And about cheating? - If you can get away with it, then good for you, i have no problems with it. But if you're busted then its your own god damn fault if you fall victim of abuse and negativity.

For those that stand up for a cheater, then you're standing up for a true friend. But if they cheat again, then standing up for reasons other than the cheating is bloody pathetic.

You all are fucking terrible for hi-jacking nobhead's blog to have such a debate.

But then again...this blog isn't really that exciting.

In conclusion, best of luck in the Grease productionm Zac.
Make us proud.

2:03 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the biggest load of crap i have ever read.(Was directed to read it) Blogging really annoys me, and as for talking negatively about someone on it, just a waste of time really. Next time you sit down to type a blog of little important like many of this are, go out and play some sport, haha. Just thought i would comment, you can run with it or not, watever floats your boat.

1:28 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

u guys are the lamest litte whingy bitches and its pathetic.

7:01 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yet you feel the need to join in on the bitching anonymous......hmmmmmm

1:01 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think it is really JOINING IN on the bitching, it is more concerned with letting people no that there blogs are pathetic because of the subject matter they discuss. That's how i read it anywayz, so i think you are wrong.

9:49 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some people just needed to vent their feelings about someone's dodgy morals, alright? You seem to be judging us for being judgemental...

2:44 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it was ALRIGHT i wouldn't have writen anything. My problem is the form of communication concerning the venting of people's feelings. I thought the comment, "he who has not sinned cast the first stone" sumed it up well. I don't care wat you have or haven't done, but no one is perfect. Maybe me can strike up the the conversation one day in person, i see most of you on a regular basis anywayz.

5:25 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS. I like the smell and taste of cow urine

6:11 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHA, wat a loser couldn't even copy the name correctly.

Man i am sick of people dising cow urine, its enriched with vitamins and minerals.

7:51 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zac is lovely.
I love you! hehehehe...
The first comment posted is inaccurate. I'm pretty sure Zac is good....he got a principle in Grease and does an awesome song in NYE....funny that.
Zac I love you beautiful.
We will have a wonderful NYE =P
Love You xox
Lise <3

8:24 pm  
Blogger Damian said...

Argh! I'm away for NYE. I always liked going to NYE at the civic.

2:48 am  
Blogger Damian said...

45 comments. Wow. Alot of fun had by all

12:51 am  

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