Thursday, February 16, 2006


Apart from the initial insult i was moderately impressed with this apart from the fact that i recycled this from a past post into my MSN screen name i haven’t seen this since JULY last year.

To explain my rant i came on with the most exciting intentions, to share with those who read this blog (I am aware that they are few and far between) a movie in which i recently watched called kinky boots. Now I am faced in my inbox with an insult and an accusation of plagiarism.

Here is a copy:

Chalks, where did you steal that from? I know you and you don't have an original or inspirational bone in your entire body so if you do not give credit to whomever wrote this there will be a serious case for plagiarism.

I'll give you 48 hours to publish the real artist and location of this quote otherwise I will.

Firstly to the gutless wonder, who posted this comment. Don’t call me "Chalks", only my friends call me that, and where do you get off. Grow up, if i don’t reference the quote what the fuck are you going to do.

"Ooooo. Did you hear that everybody i have 48 hours to tell you who the original artist was or that’s right, they will tell you? OHHH THE HUMANITY. PLEASE DONT I BEG YOU. If you do everyone will know that I copied it from someone."

Wake up to yourself looser. Do you honestly believe that every screen name or blog is totally free of plagiarism.

Note to the world: that quote is not my creation, nor did i intentionally pass that off as my own.

For this reason a new Disclaimer will be posted.

The Metro One


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, many blogs contain plagiarism - it still doesn't make it either right or acceptable. As for you not intentionally passing the "quote" (it's only a quote when referenced ect) off as your own, if you look at the comments on the post The Imagination (which you must have forgotten to link to - I'm sure you meant to show your readers the post in question) you'll see the comment I left shows that I and I'm assuming everyone else had the impression you wrote the post. Of course, you failed to correct our views, so how exactly is that not intentionally passing something off as your own?

5:39 pm  
Blogger Damian said...

The person could have at least made it interesting by saying that in 48 hours, someone will die or that digits off your hand will be chopped off. Of course it's a bit extreme but creates drama.

I'm going to take the safe, neutral ground on this argument

8:40 pm  
Blogger Shadow said...

i agree damian, some dismemberment is always a great addition to modern literature. and ben, i agree in part with your stance on plagiarism, but in this context it would appear that the artist has confessed, and even within the proposed deadline which is quite probably better than i would have done. as an added note, in this situation where the post is a reflection on the writer (or writers in this case) the copying can be interpreted as a degree of flattery towards the artist, as their work has been used to express the feelings of another. i would like to end with a personal favourite quote of mine:

'A fight is not won by one punch or kick. Either learn to endure or hire a bodyguard.' - Bruce Lee

10:29 pm  
Blogger Anner said...

Ah come on guys, do you really think there is any point i starting another argument/fight. We're supposed to be over these sorts of things.

2:57 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

B O O B I E S!!!

3:05 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chalks, firstly I'd like to inform you that you're not very funny, and as they say, "sarcasm is the poorest form of humour". Regardless of what you say, I know you were scared of the potential retribution attributed from plagiarism. As a law student, you should know that plagiarism is a black mark on your permanent record which will never be erased. Besides, who hires a lawyer who steals other people's arguments?

P.S. Come up with a better rebuttal next time than "Everyone does it... it was ages ago... it doesnt matter. It doesnt count. MOTHER ENGLAND!"

1:19 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehe - "Anonymous" does not know how to use the word "attributed".

...constructive comment, I know.

Nevertheless, I consider anonymous personal attacks - to which my slight yet intensifying dislike of blogging can be attributed - cowardly and futile, as is the passing of (come on, honestly) trivial criticisms.

Furthermore, Michael Jackson and Britney Spears jokes are of course the lowest form of wit. Sarcasm (which does not consist of simply stating the opposite of everything) - although it can be sharp and caustic - at least requires a degree of ingenuity and imagination (which, by the way, is the most beautiful and destructive gift, I'm sure of it...).


3:53 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, sorry for any unintended confusion. I'm Em "Zac's-Friend-From-Work" [hence the (w)], not co-blogger Emma - whose "Blog Wars" post is, by the way, hilarious (...if you have ever actually known a head to 'collapse inward violently', I would very much like to hear about it).


10:47 am  

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