Thursday, February 02, 2006

Automotive Gallery : Specialized Alloy Wheels, Australia []

These wheels rock



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unrelated comment:

Oi, you should really hold onto the people who care bout you - cos not many actually do. You cause your own problems, & don't put enough effort into the relationships that could really count. It's time to be mature, and think bout who your real friends are - people who have given of themselves unconditionally, who hang onto you because they really like you. Realise wat you hav - pay them more attention, & keep in contact - otherwise you will lose possibly the best friends you've ever had, realising that you actually value them more than anything. It doesn't matter how long (or how short) you've known them. Drop the dead-ends. Don't waste time with someone who doesn't give you their all - who actually values you, and would always stick-up for you? Be open, pay them attention, & let people kno how you feel - you might just find those feelings reciprocated. Don't ignore those who make an effort, people are easily discouraged - be the initiator.

Insightful, Anonymous Perhaps-Not-So-Random Random.

3:55 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to clarify something it was me the wrote that to all you jack ass who are saying it was me it wasn't so blah! lol sass

8:25 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL GOD DAMN THIS POOP. back to my last comment it wasn't me lol Blah! lol i should read over my comments before i leave them haha I'M NOT STUPID! coughs haha well yes

8:29 pm  
Blogger Shadow said...

these are nice rims zac, might look a little out of place on a black 67 mustang tho.....

8:48 pm  

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