Tuesday, November 29, 2005

More From Bangkok

I must point out that i was quite crap with the posting in Bangkok, but after reading my brief you might understand why. So here it is... After the first days overwhelming impression we got down to business. SHOPPING. Now luckily for us the nothing opens in Bangkok till 10am, plenty of time for a sleep in. The restaurant we were served breakfast in was KONGJU it was a Korean restaurant. Luckily for us the price for the breakfast was included in the cost of staying in the hotel as it was over $AU100 a day. The Pathumuan Princess is located next to Muan Boon Krong or as the locals know it the "MBK". For the Townsvillians the MBK is the size of stocklands, only 8 stories high. There is one entire floor for moblie phones and MP3 players. So you can see how easy it would have been to spend 12.5 hrs in one day shopping. This shopping extravaganza continued for two days, and then we did soething different. We ventured around the cities prized Grand Palace, former residence of the Kings of Thailand. Rama 9 is the current king of Thailand and is the countries most powerful men.

The teples of Thailand are amazing, this country is so young in comparison to the rest of asia, yet they are the most devout buddhist.

There were absolutly stunning the mosaics of gold and coloured tiles. The were simply amazing and when you were told that there were a mixture of influences you could clearly see them. Chinese tiles were present and then there were the staues. Staues of Half woman half bird, monkies and demons and other arays of interesting statues, placed there to be guardians of the temples. The Emerald Buddha is Thailands most prised posession, the Buddha wears a golden cloak dependant on what season it is. For winter he wears the most expensive one worth over 3 million Baht. Which equates to about 100,500 Dollars Australian. The Buddha is made from a single piece of Jade.

Tune in next time for Stories of Adventure At Patpong Night Bazzar, Suan Lum Night Bazzar, Safari World and More about Thailand and my wonderful holiday.


Blogger Damian said...

Sounds funsies. Damn, my sister's 'put down the drugs and give me a hug shirt doesn't fit :( and it had a picture of Jesus on it too! Ah man! Now I want to go to Thailand cause of you. Thanks for the pressies! I'm gunna go do stuff now... not really sure what, but I'll do something.

7:19 pm  

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