Thursday, October 13, 2005

Leaving Committee

I have made the effort to join the Leaving Committee as their legal advisor and advocate to the people that i know and so i am passing on this information to those who read my blog. Here is some text taken from Damian's Blog to give you and insight into the Leaving Committee

"[the leaving committee]... involves saying goodbye to fellow students riding or walking off and telling them to have a safe trip home, to ride single file, have a lovely afternoon, do their homework etc etc. To come off the ground, we need your support. This support can take many forms including saying goodbye to people leaving at your school, encouraging leaving committees at other schools, putting 'have a safe trip home' somewhere in your username, and by having a safe trip home."

So everyone join our committee by either commenting and giving your email to us through this blog or by damian's and let us know your daily deeds.

Peace Out

The Metro One


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You really need to post more often...

1:42 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hell yes! Scrubs season 4 episode 19. 7:40 into it for those of you playing at home... not that it has anything to do with anything on this blog... it's just funny moment.

6:46 pm  

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