Thursday, November 24, 2005

One Night In Bangkok

Ok, well I’m here. I have been in Thailand for two days now. I’m sorry to those who were hanging out for my post from the plane; I was captivated by a movie called Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The flight wasn’t to bad, we did not fly first, they downgraded us to Business because First Class was full. We got here at approximately 9.30pm local time. The only way of describing the initial entrance into Bangkok was a Hallelujah moment. The sights and sounds experienced at that one moment was so overwhelming. We stepped out of the airport after thousands of people tried top get us into their taxi. Fortunately for us we had a transfer arranged by our hotel. Not so fortunately for us was the fact that we couldn’t see his tiny little sign amongst the thousands of others. The black Mercedes pulled up we loaded our bags. Now later in the trip I label driving in Bangkok as a Hail Mary ride. This isn’t because it was some confused religious amusement park, which in itself is contradictory, its because Bangkok has one rule when driving, GET THERE. As long as you get there you have not broken the rules. Giving you a visual, Bangkok has 10 million people and 5 million cars most of which are taxis. Now if you cram that many cars onto poorly constructed infrastructure you are bound for trouble. Our Hotel was beautiful, a mixture of Japanese culture and underground retro. With colour changing floors and fountains, and totally glass bars, which I we had a drink at one the first night. So that was the end of our first day. The next day would be shopping and much more shopping.

Catch Ya One The Flip Side

The Metro One


Blogger Damian said...

I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine. One night in Bangkok and the world's your oyster *do do* Not much between despair and extasy!... Oh those were the salad days... although these are good. Take me back!

7:42 pm  

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