Thursday, September 08, 2005

Good Vs. Evil God V. Devil

Caution: This Post Has Been Loosely Researched And May Contain Incorrect Facts Or Definitions Corrections Are Welcome.

After watching the Movie Constantine I was empowered to talk about it. In particular i want to talk about the Catholic Views and the consequence of those, however before I do this I should give a run down of the movie.

Constantine the movie is set in present day Los Angeles, the movie features Keanu Reeves as John Constantine, and the world is placed on the precarious balance of good versus evil. Earth was describes as being world trapped between two others, on one side Heaven and then Earth and then Hell, and there are angels and there are demons. These are the workers of both lords and the sides are equal, it was described as an agreement between God and the Devil and that no one Angel or one Demon could step onto earth and they could influence but never directly interfere. However all agreements are meant to be bent, even between God and the Devil and so half breeds were born, not angel or demon not human.

Certain humans were gifted to see these creatures of heaven and hell, John Constantine was one of those and also keeper of the balance, not by force but by choice, John Constantine had trouble dealing with his gift. He was treated as crazy and placed on drugs and was given such therapies such as Electro Shock Therapy and he attempted to take his own life, a mortal catholic sin. He was revived after a few minuets however this was enough time to see the eternal torment of hell, so he became the keeper of the balance in an attempt to buy his way into heaven.

The movie deals with some pretty serious catholic issues which I wish to discuss, is the sin of suicide unforgivable? The movie portrays an extremist view of heaven and hell, John Constantine is advised buy the angel Gabriele that he will never be admitted to heaven because of his sin. Despite this John Constantine fights on. Is the sin of suicide that unforgivable. In my personally opinion it is not. My forgiving and loving God forgives all but why does he condemn those things, what about the hurt inflicted by his clergy members?

Socially the movie shows a very strange use of themes and motifs, the movie uses very biblical names for its characters for example Constantine, Angela, Gabriele and Lu (as in Lucifer). When the devil comes to earth to collect John Constantine’s soul after he commits suicide the devil is given a human character, however all the times God intervenes he is not depicted by anyone, it’s a devine act. Why? I don’t have an answer, what in our society could happen by giving God a human face, its happened before, admittedly in a comedy, but none the less.

Questions for those who have religious opinions, many do but are unwilling to share, so anonymous comments are welcomed. God V. Devil Good V. Evil do they exist to the extent the do in the movie?

Society's Moto : Damnnant quod Intellegunt


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The views of the catholic church in regards to the matter of sin, evil, death etc are not actually those that are shown in the movie constantine. neither is the whole idea of heaven and hell being separated by earth. these are what people have been lead to believe however they are not actually the beliefs of the church.the whole idea of the devil is not actually a teaching of the catholic church. There is a wicked one who is reffered to in the bible several times but this is seen more as a representation of evil. not literally as an evil being called lucifer or satan. the whole idea of good vs evil according to the catholic tradition is as strong in the world as it is in the movie. however unlike in the movie the whole battle goes on in every single human. evil is present in everyone (including innocent children)and it is whether or not each person chooses to follow the path of evil and destruction that is present in them that ultimatley determine whether or not they can be considered good. the God vs Devil thing does not exist according to the catholic tradition as the devil itself does not exist. this relates to the battle between good and evil however rather than the battle between two powerful beings it is because of free will that god gave humans that evil is present. sin is an attitude rather than a wrong doing however when it comes to suicide the person is destroy7ing what god created. thqats possibly why is could be seen as unforgivable. most things in the catholic church are forgiven and i think that suicide is the same. but im not sure about that. this is long, a little off topic and complex catholic philosophy but i hope it is entertaing to read and gives you more to think about.

9:29 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a favourable site which I shall visit often. I also believe you will be interested in the following in formation.

How do pregnancy tests work?
All pregnancy tests look for a special hormone in the urine or blood that is only present when a woman is pregnant. This hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), is also called the pregnancy hormone.

What's the difference between a urine and a blood pregnancy test? Is one better than the other?
There are two types of pregnancy tests - blood and urine tests. Both tests look for the presence of hCG, the pregnancy hormone. Today, many women use a urine test, or home pregnancy test (HPT), to find out if they are pregnant. HPTs do not cost a lot, are easy to use, can be done at home, and are private. When a woman has a positive result on an HPT, she needs to see her health care provider right away. The health care provider can confirm a positive HPT result with a blood test and a pelvic exam.

There are two types of blood tests you can get from a health care provider. A quantitative blood test (or the beta hCG test) measures the exact amount of hCG in the blood. This means it can pick up very small amounts of hCG, making it a very accurate test. A qualitative hCG blood test gives a simple yes or no answer to whether you are pregnant. This test is more like a urine test in terms of its accuracy.

Blood tests can pick up hCG earlier in a pregnancy than urine tests can. Blood tests can tell if you are pregnant about 6 to 8 days after you ovulate (or release an egg from an ovary). Urine tests can determine pregnancy about 2 weeks after ovulation. Some more sensitive urine tests can tell if you are pregnant as early as 6 days after you conceive, or one day after you miss a menstrual period.

How is a home pregnancy test done?
There are many types of home pregnancy tests, or HPTs, that can be bought over-the-counter at drug or discount stores. Some involve collecting your urine in a cup and dipping a stick into the urine, or putting some of the urine into a special container with an eyedropper. Others are done by placing a stick into your urine stream. Tests vary in how long you have to wait for the stick or container to turn a certain color or have a symbol on it (like a plus or a minus). All tests come with written instructions. Most tests also have toll-free phone numbers to call if you have any questions about how to do the test or read the results.

How accurate are home pregnancy tests?
Home pregnancy tests (HPTs) are very accurate. Most brands of HPTs say they are 97% to 99% accurate, but this can vary with actual use. Each brand varies in how sensitive it is in picking up the pregnancy hormone hCG. If a test is not done correctly, it will be less accurate. And, always check the package to make sure it is not past its expiration date - if it is, it will not be accurate. Most brands of HPTs tell users to do the test again in a few days, no matter what the results.

If you use an HPT too early in your pregnancy, you may not have enough of the pregnancy hormone hCG in your urine to have a positive test result. Most HPTs will be accurate if you test yourself around the time your period is due (about 2 weeks after you ovulate, or release an egg from your ovary). You can get a negative test result if you are not pregnant or if you ovulated later than you thought you did. You may also have problems with the pregnancy, which affects the amount of hCG you have in your urine. If your HPT is negative, test yourself again within a few days to 1 week. If you keep getting a negative result and think you are pregnant, talk with a health care provider right away.

Can anything interfere with home pregnancy test results?
Most medications, both over-the-counter and prescription drugs, including birth control pills and antibiotics, should not affect the results of a home pregnancy test (such as Profasi, Pregnyl or Novarel). Only those drugs that have the pregnancy hormone hCG in them can give a false positive test result (where the test says you are pregnant when you actually are not). Drugs that have hCG in them can be used for treating infertility (not being able to get pregnant). Alcohol and illegal drugs do not affect HPT results, but you should not be using these substances if you are trying to get pregnant.

For more information...
You can find out more about pregnancy tests by contacting the National Women's Health Information Center (NWHIC) at (800) 994-WOMAN (9662) or the following organizations:

Food and Drug Administration
Phone Number(s): (888) 463-6332
Internet Address:

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Phone Number(s): (800) 762-2264 for publication requests only
Internet Address:

Planned Parenthood Federation of America
Phone Number(s): (800) 230-7526
Internet Address:

American College of Nurse-Midwives
Phone Number(s): (888) 643-9433
Internet Address:

All material contained in the FAQs is free of copyright restrictions, and may be copied, reproduced, or duplicated without permission of the Office on Women's Health in the Department of Health and Human Services; citation of the source is appreciated.

11:50 pm  

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