Friday, July 08, 2005

The Imagination

Imagination, the most beautiful and destructive gift i'm sure of it. Creeps up and convinces, blinds and morphs, it's a terrible terminal illnes of joy. That black sister of peace and free will. Ha, Imagination. Use your Imagination, no DON'T it's painful, it's mischievous, it likes to steal your sleep. Tempts you to a dream land, offers you sweets and toffee apples full of writhing maggots. Imagination. Leave it alone. Leave my tired mind alone. Thats the price of genius.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zac, have you considered a career writing those incredibly annoying motivational posters, or creating annoying chain emails which just won't shut up about friendship/angels/the value of imagination? After reading your last two posts I think you'd be perfectly suited for those jobs.

12:25 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alot of weird things have come out of my imagination lately. Things about flying and Liam getting married and me talking to Heather Graham. They were more dreams than imaginations i guess, but still, they're weird.

3:43 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chalks, where did you steal that from? I know you and you don't have an original or inspirational bone in your entire body so if you do not give credit to whomever wrote this there will be a serious case for plagiarism.

I'll give you 48 hours to publish the real artist and location of this quote otherwise I will.

1:46 pm  

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