Monday, June 06, 2005

Post-Its and Other Useful Inventions

Did you know that Post-Its were invented by Art Fry a 3M inventor he created it from loosing his page in his Hymn book at Church. Post-Its are great for marking pages, leaving important notes or as my friend emily points out..."post its are great for writing teasing msgs and leaving them around the house for unexpecting persons" Emily Gleeson(2005)... If you ever wondered when the first ball point pen created it was invented by a man called John Loud in 1888 who used it to write on cow hides, this pen never went into prouction. It was Mr Ladislas Biro, yes Mr Biro who then came up with the more modern design and ink properites, although these two men where the priamry inventors they still were not bale to mass produce the pen and so the comapny BIC was able to do so... the ball point pen is the pen of toady with almost 90% saturation of the world has these pens...Another use for them according to my friend emily is..."a handy invention for taking down the numbers of hot boys on a variety of surfaces, effective in pen wars during chemistry classes and for stabbing attackers in the eye" Emily Gleeson (2005)... Tune in next week for more useless crap.... Cheerio


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zac, why am I the only person who ever comments on your posts? i dont get it. your blog is just as interesting as mine. hmmmmm. one of lifes great mysteries

10:57 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's ok Emily, someone else had to comment. Eventually. So, you're going to read the rest of the posts. How long will that take you? 2 minutes?

9:24 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree Emily. Zac, you should write some more on this blog, and less on your msn space.

6:28 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And when are you going to get around to ending world hunger and bringing around world peace with one ingenious plan?

6:31 pm  

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