Sunday, July 03, 2005

Again Dear Anonymous

Ok so were friends but were not really friends....mmmmm.... has it been something that i have done to make our friend invalid or to make it seem like it you could never be good enough.... i really am confused by this all and i dont think it to be silly for lack of a better word... i want to know what relationship of mine is false.... and wish to fix it.... if infact that it could be fixed.... so instead of forcing me to have a conversation on my public blog you could tell me who you are so that this can be sorted.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sorry, you are getting pissed off at me.. i will go now, and never comment again.. dont worry about me, i am now out of your life - like i once was before.

9:15 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i am blog-illiterate so this is the only place i can talk to u haha...and in reference to that crazy person who wishes to remain anonymous "leave poor zac alone!". Well i'll see ya at work...bye xo P.S disney marathon soon i promise.

4:09 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

emily...i wasn't being mean to this anon person at all, and completely agree with what you say about trying to mend friendships etc., IF this person is genuine. See im a bit of a cynic and the way i see it is that this person is only doing it all for a bit of a laugh at zac's expense, sorta like an attempt at a joke. Sorry if it came across any differently!

4:14 pm  

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