Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Video Editing

i have found that video editing can be quite fun... if you have the right equipment, not saying that my bff's computer is of a sub standard nature... cause in actual fact we were forced to use all three of the computer she has in her house and all the disk sace we could find to make it work. The most anoying part is creating this beautiful dvd and the realsing that its to big to fit on the dvd, the file was 6.5G and the DVD disks are only 4.7 G, there lies the problem. The obvious solution was to split them and make two disks, not so easy to delete and save, desptie this, you stil have to make an identical file which before its compressed onto DVD is 22.6G, but hey that what holidays are for.....

I hope the production people realise what a challenge this has been and i hope they appreciate the work that was put into it.

Have a reat day...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a reat day?? haha! love it!

9:47 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the perpective of someone who edited a large english assignment and then lost it as it was saved as a temporary file and then had to do it again, i appreciate your editing. happy computing, love uncle damian

10:09 pm  

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