Monday, June 06, 2005

Where Has All The Humour Gone

I am fascinated by the lack of apparent British humour on the Australian airwaves.... is this because Austrlians cannot apreciate anything that does not include toilet humour or is it becasue some people have trouble understanding dry humour... anythoughts i? Just wonder is all and to end i will quote form my favourite British TV comedy "Little Britain"

"So Vicky, in face of the overwhelming evidence placed before the court you still stand by your plea of not gulity"
"Well yeah but no but yeah well there was this whole thing that i dont even know nufin about so dont even ask, well you know trish"
"No, Trish"
"Trish Trish, well dont even listen to her cause she wasnt even there and then there was this whole fing with candice but dont listen to her cause she is a fat slag"
"Did you do it"


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