Sunday, June 05, 2005

The Intenet Is Really Really Great, For Findout Other Peoples Secrets

Have you ever wondered why we as humans place so much faith in computers and the internet.... today i was sat talking to a friend and she gave me this link to a love prediction test so i did it and i put in my personal details and then upon completion of the question it notified me that the answers of this test were being sent to my friend. I was devastated and so inturn i created a similer thing on the web site and emailed it to everyone and now i have everyones secrets pouring into my inbox.... if a friendly email which is sent in good humour can cause people to stand in outrage that someones personal secrets can be sent to another so easily why is there not more outrage about the ability of corporations to do the same and then use this to target us with mass marketing... I am outraged at the HUMAN RACE for not taking a greater stand to this injustice and i will fight for ther rights of the consumer.... WATCH THIS SPACE


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to see you take pride in your spelling Zac, you crazy person

2:36 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh. I get your game now. Correct all the spelling mistakes and make me look like the crazy person. You crazy person

2:39 am  

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