Monday, May 30, 2005

My English Teacher

Well at school today i had th pleasure of seeing my radiant english teacher... really she has the perfect chick flicks... ha ha... miss could have made shakespeare a little more INTERESTING... jesus... how boring the elements of and ben were singing the BG's Tragedy...." Tragedy: When the feeling's gone and you can't go on, It's tragedy. When the morning cries and you don't know why, It's hard to bear. With no one to love you, you're goin' nowhere.... im sure prised she did not hear us... Oh and its my Birthday Too... yes thats right one more year till i am 18...yes... thats it for today... good night my boring blogger readers...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

On behalf of all your blogger readers, if you're going to call us boring then maybe we'll go elsewhere. Perhaps we'll read that "Coffee and other things" blog, we've heard it's really good.

8:10 pm  

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