Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Video Editing

i have found that video editing can be quite fun... if you have the right equipment, not saying that my bff's computer is of a sub standard nature... cause in actual fact we were forced to use all three of the computer she has in her house and all the disk sace we could find to make it work. The most anoying part is creating this beautiful dvd and the realsing that its to big to fit on the dvd, the file was 6.5G and the DVD disks are only 4.7 G, there lies the problem. The obvious solution was to split them and make two disks, not so easy to delete and save, desptie this, you stil have to make an identical file which before its compressed onto DVD is 22.6G, but hey that what holidays are for.....

I hope the production people realise what a challenge this has been and i hope they appreciate the work that was put into it.

Have a reat day...

Dear Anonymous

I am a person who could find it my heart to forgive almost anyone... minus a few people. I wonder who you are... i would like to know so that we can be friends... if possible... please drop me line....


Monday, June 27, 2005

Friends Forever

This is kinda of an emotionally welcome blog... as in im emotional but its welcome... i have re-evaluated my life recently and have decided that the people who i currently surround myself with are the best yet and to steal from Meet The Parents and Meet The Fockers i have a circle of trust and those people who are in it know who they are... so really this is a big shout out to those who are in my circle to let you know you make my life great and without you i dont have a life(or not one that i would like to live).... I say this know to help start to cement my friendships as i know full well that in 6 months along with the rest of the graduating population of Townsville that people circles will get smaller after the end of this year.... No matter what happens or where we go i dont want to loose anyone in my circle, although i know i will... now i will share with you to poems...

Friends in high school are forever young.
Unchanged, they're where you always will belong.
The crowd is never gone, the pleasure stays,
The music of the moment always plays,
The time remains a field of wistful grace
To which you may return from anyplace.
Of course, you may still know them later on
When you are someone else and years have run;
And you may love them dearly, and they you,
But time must make their friendship something new.
Meanwhile, flourishing within your heart
There is a whole, of which you were a part:
A group of friends, one in love and pain,
In whom your longing comes alive again.

Beavtiful isnt it....

Graduations sometimes can be sad,
Removing from our world a world of friends,
An instant that, in golden garments clad,
Divides our early yearnings from our ends.
Underneath our confidence and pride
A sense of loss like music haunts the heart,
Telling us that what we are inside
Is presently a place we must depart.
Our years have yielded paradise and pain,
Nor will we ever taste their truth again.

Again Beautiful...

Sunday, June 26, 2005



I have decided to resume with an issue close to my heart that has already been posted on my MSN blog.... the hit British TV show The Office has had enormous success in the UK and now for reasons unknown to the sensible human race producers have decided to buy the rights to this very succesful TV show and water it down to suit American audiences.... i shall now copy the text from my other blog and some assciated comments to give a two sided argument to allow you to make informed decision....

Why is it that TV show producers find it necessary to take fantstic English shows and re-cast them for American audiences. It frustrates me to think that Australia's Channel 10 would rather display the US The Office in prime time than to show the original UK The Office. John Clease said that it is because American Audiences find the wity humour and the occasional political incorrectness to be over bearing and therefore should be re-cast and re-written for the rest of the world, just because they dont get it. Some people may claim that it is doing so well, which is a statement of fact however this can be attributed to the influence that the American Industry has over the world rather than the wity use of puns and humerous plot lines. Please dont just take my word for it.... the inferior US THE OFFICE airs on WED at 7:30 and the original and HIGHLY UNDERATED UK THE OFFICE airs on Mondays @ 10.05pm(What kind of time is that). Anway if you want really comedy something that Americans no nothing about then watch UK THE OFFICE....

Ben has posted a comment in opposition to this opinion....

Not all US Comedies are bad. Will and Grace is hilarious (how can you not love Karen?), along with Scrubs. Then again, english comedy is just as funny, if not sometimes funnier. Just think of shows like My Family, Little Britain and Black Books. Hilarious. But yes, I do agree with you. Whenever americans take something british it becomes worse. However, in relation to the whole US The Office, I think you're being a bit heavy handed. The ABC probably has the rights to broadcast the original The Office in Australia, and channel 10 has the rights to broadcast the American version. You have to remember that channel 10 doesn't have the rights to every single show ever made Zac.

The following text is reply my reply to the comment....

I agree with you about the American comedies being hillarious as i am an avid fan of will and grace.... however without making a personal attack the attempt to try and copy british humour by americans goes down as posible the worst TV ever made. and a VALID point about broadcasting rights however if Channel 10 is interested in show for the comedic value and not for pure ratings it would have picked up the office long ago before the ABC as the story line is the same... in summary American's copy British BAD.... American's making fun of themselves HILLARIOUS... Thankgod for American otherwise the rest of the world would have no one to laught at....

... It would be a big risk for channel 10 to show something like The Office. That's why they always let the ABC find the good shows and then take them later. For example, they took Good News Week and The Fat, renaming it something else. The ABC can afford to take risks on shows because they don't profit and have no advertisers to answer to. From what I've seen of the ad for The Office, I dont think they're trying to copy the britishness of it. Sure, it may be made by the same people and have the same basis, but the comedy is distinctly American. It's like Big Brother. Sure, there is a different version for each country, but that doesnt mean they're all cheap copies of the original series...

Ben and I are friends however we have a difference of opinion when it comes to comedy...

I hope you are able to enjoy both versions and make an informed decsion about the validity of American copies or lack there of...


Monday, June 06, 2005

Post-Its and Other Useful Inventions

Did you know that Post-Its were invented by Art Fry a 3M inventor he created it from loosing his page in his Hymn book at Church. Post-Its are great for marking pages, leaving important notes or as my friend emily points out..."post its are great for writing teasing msgs and leaving them around the house for unexpecting persons" Emily Gleeson(2005)... If you ever wondered when the first ball point pen created it was invented by a man called John Loud in 1888 who used it to write on cow hides, this pen never went into prouction. It was Mr Ladislas Biro, yes Mr Biro who then came up with the more modern design and ink properites, although these two men where the priamry inventors they still were not bale to mass produce the pen and so the comapny BIC was able to do so... the ball point pen is the pen of toady with almost 90% saturation of the world has these pens...Another use for them according to my friend emily is..."a handy invention for taking down the numbers of hot boys on a variety of surfaces, effective in pen wars during chemistry classes and for stabbing attackers in the eye" Emily Gleeson (2005)... Tune in next week for more useless crap.... Cheerio

Where Has All The Humour Gone

I am fascinated by the lack of apparent British humour on the Australian airwaves.... is this because Austrlians cannot apreciate anything that does not include toilet humour or is it becasue some people have trouble understanding dry humour... anythoughts i? Just wonder is all and to end i will quote form my favourite British TV comedy "Little Britain"

"So Vicky, in face of the overwhelming evidence placed before the court you still stand by your plea of not gulity"
"Well yeah but no but yeah well there was this whole thing that i dont even know nufin about so dont even ask, well you know trish"
"No, Trish"
"Trish Trish, well dont even listen to her cause she wasnt even there and then there was this whole fing with candice but dont listen to her cause she is a fat slag"
"Did you do it"

Sunday, June 05, 2005

The Intenet Is Really Really Great, For Findout Other Peoples Secrets

Have you ever wondered why we as humans place so much faith in computers and the internet.... today i was sat talking to a friend and she gave me this link to a love prediction test so i did it and i put in my personal details and then upon completion of the question it notified me that the answers of this test were being sent to my friend. I was devastated and so inturn i created a similer thing on the web site and emailed it to everyone and now i have everyones secrets pouring into my inbox.... if a friendly email which is sent in good humour can cause people to stand in outrage that someones personal secrets can be sent to another so easily why is there not more outrage about the ability of corporations to do the same and then use this to target us with mass marketing... I am outraged at the HUMAN RACE for not taking a greater stand to this injustice and i will fight for ther rights of the consumer.... WATCH THIS SPACE