Saturday, July 01, 2006

A Post For Fathers...

This is an inspired post; not one of my usual sources of inspiration but never the less Adam Sandler has been my muse for this one.

Fathers play such a vital role in families, in my family my father earns most of my families income and my mother does her part as well, but in terms of our families sanity and completeness, my father "brings home the bacon", one of his many sayings.

I watched "Click" tonight and for the first time in my life I cried during an Adam Sandler movie. It wasn’t because of some tragic death or love gone wrong but a story of one mans desire to give his family the life he never had.

I know that the reason my father goes to work and spends the majority of his adult life working on the other side of the country for 14 hours a day is for that very reason.

Apart from the magic that allows us to see the entirety of one mans life, the movie very realistic and it captures the essence of a mans struggle.

I could not be torn apart when Adam realises that he missed his fathers death, and that the last moment he saw him he was disinterested, and completely dismissive. I felt every pain that Adams character was able to convey, I realised that some of the things I have said to my father have been less than loving.

I came home and wrote my father a note telling him I loved him, some may that I was being fake but I know that my father works for me and does everything in his life to make his family proud.

When looking at your fathers and mothers to a certain extent they only do what they do to make our lives, as children, better than they had.

So don’t question your father for being away for that birthday or crucial once in a life time, don’t make them feel like they missed something, make then feel like whatever they missed they can make up later.

My father is a great man, whom I adore more than anyone in the world.

He is the most caring and concerned parent ever and for that I love him.

Make known to your father he is important and tell him you know what he does for you, this fathers day make a fuss. Not just the material splurging but take a moment out of your life to say to him.

"I Love You"

In respect for all fathers I tribute this post to you.


The Metro One


Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:43 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who fucking crys in an adam sandler movie??

Were you trying to get a lay from crying or are you just a pussy??

1:36 pm  
Blogger Damian said...

Of course! The anonymous insulter caalling people pussies! Not hypocritical at all...

And for the last time, drop the Y and add IES. It's not that hard!

8:00 pm  

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