Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Well I made after three days of auditioning I found out that I got in. I am now in the cast of the NQOMT production of Andrew Lloyd Webber's CATS. I auditioned for a principle lead and got a call back and was offered a place in the cast. I am so excited to be in a real production. Not that I didn't love my high school ones, this is just different.

I have watched this production about 7 times in the last week to get to know the story and I think I have finally got it.

Ohh... im not going to tell you. That would be cheating. Either hire the movie or come and see the show.

MY vote would be to come and see the show. But hey that's just me.

Anywho, come and see the show, mid October.


The Metro One


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay you pompus arse hole,

you do not konw anything about the fucking theatre, just because you have been in a few iggy productions doesnt mean that you know everything on account of them being rather dadgy and you even have to bring your own costume.

I assume that you will have to wear tights so pull out now because from the shit that you soit out it doesnt seem like you have much tackle....

I will not be comming to see this and neither will my friends.,../.

DId i mention that most of them ar ein the theatre and you may not....actualyy prolly not get any good reviews....

and just because you know the tiotle of the play it does not mean you really know the plot...
which by the way is not that hard...


die in you english obsessed little world....

1:32 pm  
Blogger Damian said...

Actually, the plot has more to it than that. It's about a group of cats auditioning, so to speak, to become the next cat chosen to be reincarnated. This plot line is delivered over the entire length of the production making it quite hard to pick up on.

Great news that you got in Zac. I'll come see it for sure.

It's funny cos 'anonymous' keeps bagging the English yet uses the word pompus... and the english language.

7:55 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My friend Shaughn is Mistofolees, Harriet I met in Beauty in the Beast is Mungojerry, my other friend Sean is Mcavity,alot of my dance friends Rachel,Hannah,Ashley and some teachers I know are in this production. Have you got a main? or are you singing in the wings with some of the back up chorus.

Oh BTW this is Elise a friend of Bens,Damians and Joels I done that stupid iggy production in year 11( great description huh). anyway you'll have awesome fun with Higgo and Kylie ..musicals are great fun I done Singin' in the rain, Fiddler on the roof, Bye Bye Birdie, Beauty and the Beast and come see the Centenary Concert 11,12,13th August musical specatacular i'm in a few. ahh k i'm not going to list the shows i've been in the list is too long i'm just mentioning you must attend this because it's 100th year of choral and orchestral society of musical productions...oh yeah

EXTENSIONS 'Breaking Spaces' everyone must come see this i'm choreographing a 20 minute peice it's at Dance North ! ok

Hasta leugo..Elise

2:24 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m not sure if you were in disagreement with what "anonymous" said Elise, I couldn’t really make that out. I didn’t get a lead but I’m an on stage cat. I really don't know what "anonymous" was trying to achieve but I don’t think that person achieved it, whatever it was. I didn’t really think that I was talking up the Iggy Park musical; in fact I think that I was playing them down. I'm not a fool I know how tacky and how crap the choreography was, but the friendships and experiences that I gained I wouldn’t trade for any Broadway musical. I am looking forward to my first rehearsal and I am looking forward to working with some of Townsville’s greatest actors and singers.

So in closing to the tosser (yes an intentionally English word) who wrote the original post, why don't you put the same amount of effort into learning how to use the English language or for example just be as half assed as your attempt to put me down and use the spell checker. I don't get it, if you don't like me why not just use your real name. I mean if you don't like me this much you couldn’t stand to be around me so what’s it matter if I know who you are. Or are you worried that what you have written is so petty others will judge you for it.

I don't know for someone quoting my lack of balls you seem tiny in comparison if you cant even face up to the fact that you hate me.

9:50 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh dear anonymous,
scraping from the bottle of the barrel are we. It really is quite juvenile of you to be so judgmental of someone who is clearly excited to be involved in something more than those "dadgy" iggy productions, i think its actually spelt daggy. but thats besides the point. if u dont like this blog, dont read it, it is really that simple.

Do u believe that u are achieving anything other than proving that you have nothing better to do with ur time than post usless comments about how much u dislike this person.
everyone knows that u dont like zac, its no secret. why cant you be content in ur dislike of him and keep it to yourself. unless you are starting a cult of zac haters and are recruiting members form his blog site, which i doubt you are, your comments are simply seen as immature an narrow minded.

by the way anonymous assumptions are dangerous and can only land you in trouble, deal with facts, nobody is interested in fiction.

dont get me started on you speaking for your friends, if they are in the theatre doesnt that mean that they would also enjoy cats, so why would they not see a production because you have a bone to pick with one of the choir members, it really doesnt make sense.
boycotting a production is such a productive use of ur time that the only thing i could think of that would be more useful to you would be to swallow that cyanide pill, or GROW A FUKING BRAIN. NO MY MISTAKE, ACT UR AGE AND SHOW SOME MATURITY

good luck zac im sure u will be spectacular, as will the show
best of luck,

10:56 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they target worthy people

10:31 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard they were desperate for guys to join... had too many girls audition but no guys...
not sure how many of tsv's greatest and most talented will be in it - but if you are there i guess congrats... good on you... show that anonymous a thing or two!!

8:33 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah alrighty.... who said I was agreeing or disagreeing with some random comment, take notice to what I'm saying i don't require prior posts to comment. I just know some people are singing backstage and didn't know if you danced that is all. I won't be at the show but oh well Grease is coming up.

Should of seen Cats when it came to Townsville it was awesome 80% dancing. but would of thought Rachel Cairns got Grizabella as opposed to Sharon oh well.

Last comment was true about the boys thing I heard Kylie had to ring up Shaughn to audition. But it will be great as Paddy Higgins Michelle Higgins are in it and Andrew is directing. hrmmm about Iggy Productions something about fool? won't comment but I would give them up for Pimlico Presents anyday. so much more opportunity to perform. No teachers screaming. and rude Saint Pats girls. everyone to their own thing i guess.

Now don't get offended by my open comments that may be miscontrewed over the internet or assume the worst as it is not.

Hasta Leugo....Elise

P.s your going to get people like ur first person who commented saying stuff like that all the time probably why waste your energy?

Anyway go see Centenary I think it's sold out may be one or 2 odd seats left. Muuuuch different to school productions.

1:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"everyone knows that u dont like zac, its no secret. why cant you be content in ur dislike of him and keep it to yourself"

From the writing style, the comment seems to have been made by someone who hasn't commented here before, making it different from the other anonymous comments. If this is the case, how can everyone already know he/she doesn't like Zac? A possible conclusion is you think you know who it is, but you wouldn't be making assumptious would you? I hear they're dangerous.

1:30 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ben and (Z) sitting in the tree K I S S I N G ..............

Ben you don't even like him anyway

8:33 pm  

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