Monday, July 31, 2006

Insurance Companies

Oh how i loath insurance companies. Especially Australian Pensioners Insurance agency, what a load of shit that company is. If they actually had a single process in place rather than a state by state interpretation of the general rule. God I hate them.

Waste My Day.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

LIfE is an interpretation of the general rule, you are born, you live, you die. keep your chin up, because you will never be able to escape these damn interpretations.

think, about this
"give us the wisdom to know the things we cant change and strength to change the things we can"


8:15 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We ask God to grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change."

"The courage to change the things we can."

"And the wisdom to know the difference."

11:18 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that one

10:33 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of quotes, has anyone heard the phrase "damnant quod non intelligunt"? It means "They condemn what they do not understand".

1:15 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you started a dramatic statement but then didnt finish it. if they actually had a single process in place what would you do? would you run around excited that a pensioners insurance agency has a process in place? how i loath stupid people like you...

3:19 pm  

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