Thursday, April 13, 2006

Cope or Survive

In reference to the survive comment I suppose there is some debate that to infact survive life you must be immortal, but the original intention was more to cope hence the actual title of the blog rather than the web address. I guess it could be inferred but how would procrastinating do this, I don't know.

The Metro One


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suppose that this could be inferrred as you say, and if such a postulated truth were to be indeed, the inference would only add to the the evidence of perspicacity of the author, in his ability to engender a blog title that encompasses such potential for an infinity of thought. Don't you concur?

2:22 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I think, not really sure. Well what I get is that the title of this blog promotes an endless thought. May be I’m wrong, it was certainly not my intention. It's more in reference to my inability to focus during grade 12 so I created a way to put my focus into something else, namely my blog. As you can see my interest in procrastination has since dwindles after the completion of grade 12 as now I have less time to write blogs, and so the need for this blog become unnecessary. Despite this I have still kept the blog as it allows for some random inspirational writing. And so again the need for this blog is diminished, as it is quite dormant in its inspirational quality.

The Metro One

3:44 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quite dormant perhaps in its inspirational quality, but not in the pure admeasurement and multiplicity of the patois utilized to delineate the utterances of the blog.

3:55 pm  

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