Monday, January 09, 2006

Townsville Weather...

Good Old Predictable Townsville Weather... or not. Who knew that the thunderstorm which Townsvillians wanted so very badly would land me in Hospital. I was leaning against a pole outside my house on our patio when an almighty flash followed by a crack threw me across the floor and put me on my arse. That's right i was struck by lightning, immedeiatly i began to fell the pain and after that panic set in. My parents called 000 when i was screaming at them hysterically and i was rushed to hospital. With no entry and exit wounds, brusing and no muscle damage i was relased from hospital at 2.30am Monday morning, and back to work next day.

So how'd your night compare.

The Metro One


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Freaky. And you still blogged about it, even though you had to go to work that day - now that's commitment

5:28 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

your a fuckhead

10:39 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, he is not. Take a long, hard look at yourself, loser.

11:04 pm  

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