Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Being 18...

Well I have been 18 now for about 1hr now and I don't feel any different, I suppose knowing I can join everyone else when they go to town is a good thing, and being able to buy alcohol now. I don't really mind. I am getting lots of cool pressies from my distant relies, who wouldn't usually send pressies. I think I shall retire as I have a big unknown morning planned for me. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm sure it will be fun.

The Metro One

Thursday, May 25, 2006


Well I wonder if the comment made on my previous post was actually in reference to the content. I highly doubt it. You see very rarely do I write on this blog. Mainly when I have nothing else I could possibly be doing. As always there is an exception, like when I find myself writing on this blog after receiving "Anonymous" comments clearly with the intention of relaying something that someone can't strike up enough courage to say to my face.

I’m not really sure why people can't say it, for if I am truly an idiot surely I couldn’t really retaliate in any way other than more idiotic actions.

I would really like this to continue.

I foresee the originating commenter looking more like an idiot for making the initial comment, knowing how past malicious blog comments have ended up, than the actions that labelled me an idiot.


The Metro One

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

All Nighter

Well. There it was. My first University all nighter. Its now 538 in the morning and i have finnished the assesment i have been working on. Now just have to proof read in about an hour to get it out of my head. really i dont think its to bad. I have not had trouble with a word count and today is no different. I may have had no sleep now for coming up on 24hrs but i am still function normally. I have pumped myself full of anti-oxidants through my life support. Tea. Rather a strange sight really. There is my desk with an shambles of books reference materials and scribles on bits of paper. But to my left is my white Maxwell Williams teapot and white and gold rim tea cup with a small pot of milk and sugar as well quite the contradictory site really. You know my reall claim to fame is that after all this time i am still touch typing as i write. I maybe using the backspace a little more but none the less im still touch typing. My mother had just gotten up and is wondering whether i have been here all night and i will tell her " Of course not mum" otherwise i will get a lecture of time manangement from my father when he rings in next. Joy o Joy. So keep it quite you few and far between readers. For this mind is about to jump of a cliff into insanity.

This will probably have a hundred spelling mistakes but im not fusses. You should see my essay. Bahahaha.

The Metro One