Saturday, September 10, 2005

Rest, Relax and Rewind.... Yeah Right

For those of you who have been following Grade 12 will know that most of the participants are quite tired and in need of a well earned rest. However I have chosen to give myself a boost and get some experience as a labourer for two week. This means 6am to 6pm for 6 days a week. I can barely find 8am to get to school now that I have a car, how the hell am I going to get up at 5am. Anyway im crazy and your sympathy votes are quite welcome, although I fear that I shall not receive any. Signing Off.

The Metro One

Society's Moto : Damnnant quod Intellegunt

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Good Vs. Evil God V. Devil

Caution: This Post Has Been Loosely Researched And May Contain Incorrect Facts Or Definitions Corrections Are Welcome.

After watching the Movie Constantine I was empowered to talk about it. In particular i want to talk about the Catholic Views and the consequence of those, however before I do this I should give a run down of the movie.

Constantine the movie is set in present day Los Angeles, the movie features Keanu Reeves as John Constantine, and the world is placed on the precarious balance of good versus evil. Earth was describes as being world trapped between two others, on one side Heaven and then Earth and then Hell, and there are angels and there are demons. These are the workers of both lords and the sides are equal, it was described as an agreement between God and the Devil and that no one Angel or one Demon could step onto earth and they could influence but never directly interfere. However all agreements are meant to be bent, even between God and the Devil and so half breeds were born, not angel or demon not human.

Certain humans were gifted to see these creatures of heaven and hell, John Constantine was one of those and also keeper of the balance, not by force but by choice, John Constantine had trouble dealing with his gift. He was treated as crazy and placed on drugs and was given such therapies such as Electro Shock Therapy and he attempted to take his own life, a mortal catholic sin. He was revived after a few minuets however this was enough time to see the eternal torment of hell, so he became the keeper of the balance in an attempt to buy his way into heaven.

The movie deals with some pretty serious catholic issues which I wish to discuss, is the sin of suicide unforgivable? The movie portrays an extremist view of heaven and hell, John Constantine is advised buy the angel Gabriele that he will never be admitted to heaven because of his sin. Despite this John Constantine fights on. Is the sin of suicide that unforgivable. In my personally opinion it is not. My forgiving and loving God forgives all but why does he condemn those things, what about the hurt inflicted by his clergy members?

Socially the movie shows a very strange use of themes and motifs, the movie uses very biblical names for its characters for example Constantine, Angela, Gabriele and Lu (as in Lucifer). When the devil comes to earth to collect John Constantine’s soul after he commits suicide the devil is given a human character, however all the times God intervenes he is not depicted by anyone, it’s a devine act. Why? I don’t have an answer, what in our society could happen by giving God a human face, its happened before, admittedly in a comedy, but none the less.

Questions for those who have religious opinions, many do but are unwilling to share, so anonymous comments are welcomed. God V. Devil Good V. Evil do they exist to the extent the do in the movie?

Society's Moto : Damnnant quod Intellegunt