Friday, July 15, 2005

The Contemporary Empire, cont'd.

Yes Ben no where in my bloggersising did I mention the internet, you are well aware the internet if you are able to read my blog, you will certainly know what the internet is. However my main issue with the contemporary empire is that the news is biased, however the problem with the current news sights is that if they are not owned by a media giant, how can we assess who is actually writing it and for what reason, what is their view point and why do they have it. Yes Ben there are some very independent website free from the corporate empire, like Aljazeera, yet how credible or how unbiased they are, I'm yet to be convinced and I would not trust them. I am infact providing you (Ben or anyone else who reads this blog) with a biased version of the situation, I am attempting to report the fact in the most unbiased manner and if it is not up to standard then please do not consider this a credible source and do not continue reading. For those of you who keep reading please, inform me if I infact make a wrong statement so that I can correct my self. The Contemporary Empire, watch out for it and be aware of the way it can sway YOU.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The Contemporary Empire

Over the past 500 years the world has evolved and digressed, from great feats of human achievements to the slums of human developments, at one point the direction of the world was empires, every nation was striving to create a great and powerful country by invading and conquering. Today there is less of an opportunity to claim land as money so moguls of the business world conquer other companies and drive out other competitors, the scariest example is the massive media empire of Rupert Murdoch. As an indication these are some of his well known companies:

20th Century Fox,
20th Century Fox Espanol,
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment,
20th Century Fox International, 20th Century
Fox Television,
Blue Sky Studios, Fox Search Light Pictures,
Fox Studios Australia,
Fox Studios Baja,
Fox Studios LA,
Fox Television Studios,
Fox Broadcasting Company,
Fox Sport Australia,
Fox Television Stations,

Those are just his movie companies. Here is an shorted list of the newspapers he owns:

Daily Telegraph
Fiji TImes
Gold Coast Bulletin
Herlad Sun
Nt News
Post Courier
Sunday Herald Sun
Sunday Mail
Sunday Tasmainian
Sunday Territorian
Sunday Times
The Adverstiser
The Australian
The Courier Mail
The Mercury
The Sunday Mail
The Sunday Telegraph
Weekly Times

That is in the Australian region alone. This means that the availablitly of unbiased media is severly lacking. Dont bother to watch Channel Nine as that is owned by another media giant, Kerry Packer, Channel Seven and Ten are independant but have loyalties to Packer and Murdoch. So this means that really the only place you will get an independant view on the news is on SBS and ABC, however dont rely on these two stations for an unbiased account of the news during election time, as the budget from the government is based on how much election coverage they give to the party in power, or who they predict ot win the election. So basicly what this boils down to is the influence of media moguls is costing the Australian public an independant source of media. The Contemporary Empire formed by these moguls are taking over what appear to be an independant media market place, just like the ancient empire of the romans, these giant will move in and takeover a company to secure the market place. One thing that stops these corporations form being a monopoly is law in most states that prevents it, however they are able to form an oligopoly, which is where 4-5 main companies control all sources of media.

My dream is that one day we will have a truly independant media service to educate ourselves, until then i will report on all the injustices that occour. For more information watch 'THE CORPORATION' and 'OUTFOXED' both are documentaries on the power of corporations and the media.

Friday, July 08, 2005

The Imagination

Imagination, the most beautiful and destructive gift i'm sure of it. Creeps up and convinces, blinds and morphs, it's a terrible terminal illnes of joy. That black sister of peace and free will. Ha, Imagination. Use your Imagination, no DON'T it's painful, it's mischievous, it likes to steal your sleep. Tempts you to a dream land, offers you sweets and toffee apples full of writhing maggots. Imagination. Leave it alone. Leave my tired mind alone. Thats the price of genius.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Dear Anonymous

Well im not sure how you derive anger out of what i wrote, perhaps minor frustration butof that im not sure, by your writing style i have made and a guess at who this is and i will contact the person who i believe it is, but if you tell me you are i will do everything i can to fix this broken relatioship. I dont hate many people, i even find it hard to dislike people as well. So as i suspect you will, you will read this and hopefully contact me and tell me who you are.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Again Dear Anonymous

Ok so were friends but were not really friends....mmmmm.... has it been something that i have done to make our friend invalid or to make it seem like it you could never be good enough.... i really am confused by this all and i dont think it to be silly for lack of a better word... i want to know what relationship of mine is false.... and wish to fix it.... if infact that it could be fixed.... so instead of forcing me to have a conversation on my public blog you could tell me who you are so that this can be sorted.....