Saturday, January 28, 2006

Damian's Jazz Club

Ok so for some reason i cant load the pic will try again later.

The Metro One

Friday, January 20, 2006

Memoirs of a Geisha

The film opens in a remote Japanese fishing village in 1929, where two sisters, Chiyo and Satsu, are sold by their troubled father to people who place Chiyo in a classy geisha house known as an okiya in Gion and Satsu in a much more vulgar and dangerous district. Chiyo becomes a maid to Hatsumomo, a cold, controlling, and calculating geisha who is instantly jealous of Chiyo's unusual, beautiful eyes and childish innocence. Chiyo is befriended by Pumpkin, another maid at the okiya, but the two are soon driven apart. Chiyo is shown compassion by the Chairman and another, more successful geisha, Mameha, who takes her under her wing as her "little sister," furthering the battle between Chiyo, now called Sayuri, and Hatsumomo. As Sayuri is trained in the art of being a geisha, learning how to walk, talk, dance, and serve (up to a point) in order to please and honor her distinguished male clients, World War II looms on the horizon, threatening to upend Japan and its old ways. Memoirs of a Geisha is a lush, sweeping historical and romantic epic, featuring gorgeous period costumes, primarily the exquisite kimono worn by the geisha. -

The film was amazing, i had heard great reviews but i never expected to be captivated up until the ver end. What amazing use of cross cultural contexts and the brilliant story telling of this amazing story. If the movie was this good, it poses the question, what of the book?

Memoirs of a Geisha covered almost all aspects of Japanese life, in the town, however i think the only thing missing is was the stark contrast of the sheer poverty in the town. Even now poverty is rampant in developing Asian countries and it is my opinion that the contrast of the poverty to the Geisha house would have added a new level of depth to the film.

One of my favourite lines from the film can be found on the IMBD website:

Sayuri Nitta:

She paints her face to hide her face. Her eyes are deep water. It is not for Geisha to want. It is not for geisha to feel. Geisha is an artist of the floating world. She dances, she sings. She entertains you, whatever you want. The rest is shadows, the rest is secret.

Another one everyone should see.

The Metro One

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Anonymous !

Well as i dont know who you are i cant actually tell what your competancy is at judging my actions but i will give you the benifit of the doubt, however please not my distaste for commenting about situations like this on blogs.

The Metro One

Anonymous !

Go Anonymous. You people are tough, im sure glad i dont know who you are or i would sure find a way to avoid conflict with you.

Such colourful motifs too.

The Metro One

Monday, January 09, 2006

Townsville Weather...

Good Old Predictable Townsville Weather... or not. Who knew that the thunderstorm which Townsvillians wanted so very badly would land me in Hospital. I was leaning against a pole outside my house on our patio when an almighty flash followed by a crack threw me across the floor and put me on my arse. That's right i was struck by lightning, immedeiatly i began to fell the pain and after that panic set in. My parents called 000 when i was screaming at them hysterically and i was rushed to hospital. With no entry and exit wounds, brusing and no muscle damage i was relased from hospital at 2.30am Monday morning, and back to work next day.

So how'd your night compare.

The Metro One

Monday, January 02, 2006

2006... Didn't see that coming.

2006... Didn't see that coming.

In saying that welcoming in the new year the way i did was not to be expected. Welcoming in the new year for the teenage group is something that frequently is unplanned and also very uneventful in my experience, however this year was to be different. An idea was formulated that a group of people should go away to Eve's house in Bingal Bay. A group of about 15 showed interest and as the year progressed closer to the date the numbers dwindled, through the trials and tribulations of teenage life the number was reduced to 5. So on the 29th of December Eve and Liv left for Bingal Bay Anna and Alex followed later and I joined later than night.

Let Me Say New Years was Awesome.

The Metro One