Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Day

I am happy to say we have now reached that awkward stage of the morning that most people go through, the bit where you have had the excitement of opening present and your just waiting for the breakfast. Its the moment where you look back at your presents and wonder with complete amazement why some of your most deranged relatives chose to send the wildest presents on earth. Just one of those that my sister received was the knife and fork camping set sent by my ridiculously rich Auntie Joan, why O' why would she send that. I got digital camera from my parents and you will be seeing many more photos on my MSN Site.

Ok I just cant wait to go to New Years, my beautiful girlfriend Olivia gets back form Sydney on the 27th and we go up to the spectacular Mission Beach on the 29th I just cant wait.

The Metro One.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Thailand Photo's

Well i have finally got around to putting my Thailand Photo's on the web. They are on my MSN site.

They are great, we had a blast, so much fun cant wait to go back.

The Metro One

Sunday, December 18, 2005

The Waiting Game

Im tired, tired of waiting. I have decided to wait and get my OP via the post as i thought the process of getting it via the WEB would deminish the impact of this little number, at least i hope its little. One saturday morning when people were telling me what they got it didnt really have impact on me but now its like there is a secret that everyone knows but me.

The Metro One