Thursday, October 13, 2005

Leaving Committee

I have made the effort to join the Leaving Committee as their legal advisor and advocate to the people that i know and so i am passing on this information to those who read my blog. Here is some text taken from Damian's Blog to give you and insight into the Leaving Committee

"[the leaving committee]... involves saying goodbye to fellow students riding or walking off and telling them to have a safe trip home, to ride single file, have a lovely afternoon, do their homework etc etc. To come off the ground, we need your support. This support can take many forms including saying goodbye to people leaving at your school, encouraging leaving committees at other schools, putting 'have a safe trip home' somewhere in your username, and by having a safe trip home."

So everyone join our committee by either commenting and giving your email to us through this blog or by damian's and let us know your daily deeds.

Peace Out

The Metro One

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Camping Conundrums

This Latin phrase can describe the last three days of my life. Ad Augusta per Angusta meaning, to high places by narrow roads. No not a metaphor but just fact, my two best friends and I travelled to Paluma on Saturday morning for a weekend of camping fun. It started many weeks ago with me declaring that Jerome and I should go camping to get away from life. We were determined to make this happen so after my 12-hour days I would spend the nights on the phone organising this trip. However in my defence no amount of planning can force a trip to be fault free when the organiser is working 12 hr days for two weeks.

So the Thursday before we left we went shopping and gathered the essentials, food and GROG. Friday night Jerome came over and helped with the packing, actually I’m claiming more a distraction but hey “that’s’ what friends are for” (Disney reference). The night was sleepless both being to excited, so the morning came and we eat and packed and got ready, Emma our third camping buddy arrived near on seven o’clock. And with her came the very unexpected barrage of food that her mother had made/bought /collected for us, one thing was for sure we were never going to starve or so we thought…

The drive was fine, with me behind the wheel why wouldn’t it be. However things began to go horrible wrong upon the arrival at Rolling stone where we were going to buy ice. We had realised that I had forgotten the cups, plates, knives, forks, cooking utensils and cooking pots, no matter we bought what we could and continued. After following a map we got lost and then wasted 2 hours driving to get to a spot that should have taken us 45 mins.

We arrived and that was the main thing. We then set up the tent got the car totally unpacked and then went off in search of fire wood, the three of us could not find any, despite knowing the penalties we decided to collect the habitat and use it for fire wood. Any good camper knows that only dead wood burns so nothing was killed or destroyed in the process, but then we got a visit from the Park Ranger. He told us that we were camped in the wrong spot and that if we didn’t move and put the habitat back where we got it he would fine us. It was almost pitch black and we were unable to see for most of the relocation but we did it.

After those dramas the weekend was fantastic, free from adult supervision, doing what we wanted when we wanted or doing nothing when we wanted was another good point. We eat well and chatted got to know each other and realised just how resourceful we could be when necessary.

An unexpected was the addition to the camping party was a good friend Amy, she was unable to come for work commitments so when she got off work she travelled to see us as a big surprise.

The weekend ended with Jerome and I getting completely wasted and then packing up with the biggest hangover. We arrived home with far too much food but all in one piece and that was my biggest relief to get the Italian and Greek Mafia (aka Burdekin Cane Growers Association) off our backs.

The Metro One

P.S. sorry about the delay I haven’t been busy, just lazy.

My insanely stupid emo name is stab my reality because I love you.
Take The "If Your Name Was An Emo Song... Generator Thingy" today!
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