Thursday, November 06, 2008


Reinvention was the theme for the 2008 Pride Festival here in Perth and while i was tempted to just start a new blog, i kind like my old one. It has some of the shit times recorded here and some of the best, but there are all my experiences and they make me who i am today. Haha.

All of this came about because all the facebook's and myspace's in the world don't provide enough procrastination time, not compared to blogspot. So as i looked further away from what i was supposed to be doing I saw the shining light that is my old blog.

Stay tuned.

The Metro One / The Canal Queen

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Blast From The Past...

So the season of grease is almost over and i was looking on my dressing room and found some signatures underneath my head board and i was so excited to see them, they really were a blast from the past.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Townsville Choral Society Presents...

Come and see the Townsville Choral Society's production of Grease.

Tickets are already flying out the door so run to the theatre and book your very own - quick sticks. It stars Adam Mullamphy (Rent) as Danny & Cara Doolan (Jekyll & Hyde) as Sandy. It also stars Peter Jepson (Rent, Jekyll & Hyde), Elyssa Jenkins (Footloose & Rent), Simon Priest, Michelle Higgins(Rent, Cats), Zac Chalkley (Cats), Sonia Warrell(Jekyll & Hyde), Damian Johns(Rent), Sandy Neal (NIDA Graduate, Rent, Jekyll & Hyde), Candice Nugent (Beauty & The Beast, Rent, Jekyll & Hyde) & Chris Ostrenski (Cats). It is a fun show and we are all having a ball so come and party with us at the theatre!

31st of January to the 4th of February.

Possible extended season.


The Metro One

Phantom Of The Opera

For as long as i can remember Phantom of the Opera has been one of my favorite musicals. I remember listening to it as a child in our cottage in the UK. Now i have the chance to see it with the greatest Phantom of all time, Anthony Warlow. It wasn't enough that this phenomenal musical was coming back to Australia but such a revered singer would take the place of Phantom. I am on several wait lists for tickets and i am working every contact that i can to make this happen so i can see it in Melbourne. This is going to be awesome.


The Metro One

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

So Here It Is... Merry Christmas

Well that was Christmas... In that short period of overlap between coming home from Jupiters where we stayed for last night and the beginning of the Boxing Day celebrations I found time to write a short post. Christmas lunch was such a change from the A-typical Chalkley Christmas celebrations. Every year we have masses of amounts of people over to help celebrate the special day and this helps fills the void of our family that is missing in the U.K. This year we had my great aunt come out to stay this year which was really great. For a change mum booked into Jupiters for lunch and it was fantastic that we were staying the night as when we finished dinner we were able to just got to the pool and relax and hang about. No cleaning up or cooking. It was really great. We then had the whole surrogate family over to Jupiters for Boxing Day Breaky and that was also really special. Just got lots of games to play seafood to eat and drinks to drink and that is the Christmas celebration over.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


The Metro One

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Here We Go Again

Last night i auditioned for Grease, i got a phone call while i was at the Cbar today to inform me that i was successfully for the role of DOODY. At this stage im not sure if i am going to being singing "Those Magic Changes" but according to the movie and the musical i do.

Grease is still the Word.


The Metro One

Monday, October 16, 2006

The Jellicle Ball Is Over

Well that’s it.

Cats is no more, after an intense week of shows and parties Cats is over. At this stage im not sure if im sad or happy. I suppose different parts of me want different things, my knees want me to stop, and most of my body excluding my voice wants it to be over. My voice wants it to continue forever and ever.

After running the double show on sat and sun and virtually selling out on all nights and matinees I think it was quite successful.

I will have some great photos to post at a later date; some of the group shots are amazing.

I want to share my two favourite things about Cats, being around people who love music theatre as much as I do, these people, cast, crew, orchestra, choir and the artistic team have made this show amazing. The prior knowledge that the audience is either going to love or hate this show is unnerving in itself. That’s why everyone pulled together to make this show as well as it can possible be.

My other favourite thing about this show, and I know its clique, is the friends that I have made. Some of the most diverse people in Townsville do music theatre. From cabinetmakers and fitters and turners, to choreographers and professional vocal coaches. These people have so much talents and it’s this industry that keeps their dreams of professional work alive. Most of them will never get to be in a professional show but the dream is there and amateur theatre is a handy tool for keeping it alive.

A big shout out to my lover, who without I wouldn't have been able to complete the show. I felt naked without you next to me on stage and it was an absolute pleasure to work with you. You have such an amazing talent and what a voice.

My highlights, auditions, after a massive session the night before, for which I was labelled with my porter in crime a "tequila bandit" I was able to audition for the cats dancing auditions. Being extremely hung over I turned up to be faced with a panel that was determined to show us what the show is like.

Second Highlight, Saturday night, Wow the audience rocked, they lifted us to a knew level. Usually its the other was around, but after two previous nights of a reasonably polite audience, they lifted us to knew heights.

Some great stuff ups, Old Deuteronomy going around in circles cause he missed a line. Me breaking the set on Sat night, damn fish bones.

One thing I will miss the being so physical, our warm ups consisted of dimming the house lights in the theatre and sending the stage lighting into a frenzy of disco flashes doing aerobics to Madonna. The photos are hysterical.

To those who came to see it, thank you I hope you enjoyed it and we shall see you for grease in January. If you were not lucky enough too then to bad cause it was excellent.

Peace out.

" Almost, Almost, Almost, ahh there we go, Well Done!


The Metro One

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Cats... It's time

More News...

A 7th show has been made available to those unable to get tickets on other nights. At the moment tickets are limited to any of the show so a second matinee has been opened on sun. The makes the season Wed through to Sun with matineees on Sat and Sun.

We open in a few hours, how fun.



The Metro One