Tuesday, December 26, 2006

So Here It Is... Merry Christmas

Well that was Christmas... In that short period of overlap between coming home from Jupiters where we stayed for last night and the beginning of the Boxing Day celebrations I found time to write a short post. Christmas lunch was such a change from the A-typical Chalkley Christmas celebrations. Every year we have masses of amounts of people over to help celebrate the special day and this helps fills the void of our family that is missing in the U.K. This year we had my great aunt come out to stay this year which was really great. For a change mum booked into Jupiters for lunch and it was fantastic that we were staying the night as when we finished dinner we were able to just got to the pool and relax and hang about. No cleaning up or cooking. It was really great. We then had the whole surrogate family over to Jupiters for Boxing Day Breaky and that was also really special. Just got lots of games to play seafood to eat and drinks to drink and that is the Christmas celebration over.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


The Metro One