Friday, August 26, 2005


I have taken action along the lines of other bloggers to place a word verification on my blog comments as i have recieved a spam comment and i fear it will happening again. I really do hate them and they anoy me so, sorry for the trouble. Actually that will only affect those who actually read my blog, which is not many, partially cause im lazy and dont write anything. Sorry about that.

Society's Moto : Damnnant quod Intellegunt

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Metro Men

Is it a bird, is it a plane, no its metro man.

Metro Man Metro Man
Hits the shops whenever he can
Flipphone here, sunglasses there
Shiny belt, styled hair
Watch Out!! Here Comes Metro Man

Yes well me and my friends josh and damian had fun playing our characters of metro men while on tour. Check out my MSN Space for More Photos. But What a great tour. Stay tuned for a full report.

The Metro One

Monday, August 08, 2005

Random Post For Tara

Here we go a random post for my BFF and im sorry i ahve been neglecting my blog dont worry i will beign to resubmit the posts.